Monday, May 10, 2010

Traditional Mesothelioma Treatments

Mesothelioma treatment options include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and clinical trials. The choice of treatment is determined by the patient's overall health and the stage and location of the cancer.


A variety of surgical procedures may be performed to remove mesothelioma or to relieve its symptoms. Surgery, or surgery preceded by chemotherapy and radiation treatments, is the best hope for a cure in the early stages of mesothelioma.

Sometimes, however, it isn't possible to remove all of the cancer through this type of mesothelioma treatment. In those cases, surgery may help to reduce the signs and symptoms caused by the spread of mesothelioma. Surgical procedures can be useful in removing as much of the cancer as possible or removing other tissues around the lung or abdomen to provide relief. Surgeons may also insert a tube or catheter into the chest to drain fluid build-up and allow patients to breathe easier.


Chemotherapy treatment for mesothelioma involves the use of drugs to kill rapidly growing cancer cells. Doctors usually administer chemotherapy systemically, meaning the drugs travel throughout the body, searching for target cancer cells. In abdominal mesothelioma, chemotherapy drugs may be injected directly into the abdominal cavity, where they can attack the mesothelioma cells directly, without harming healthy cells throughout the body. This type of mesothelioma treatment may slow the growth of the cancer. Additionally, it can be used before or after surgery to reduce the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma.


Radiation therapy is a mesothelioma treatment that may be administered alone or in combination with chemotherapy and/or surgery. Radiation can help to reduce the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma, and it may be used following surgery to prevent mesothelioma from spreading. Because of vital organs that reside in the chest cavity, radiologists must be careful to limit exposure of surrounding tissues and organs while administering doses of radiation strong enough to kill the target mesothelioma cells.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies conducted in an effort to develop new mesothelioma treatment methods. Patients with mesothelioma may be motivated to participate in a clinical trial in the hope of finding a cure. Mesothelioma clinical trials are not a guarantee for a cure, but patients may find support for their illness. Additionally, participation in a clinical trial may help doctors discover better mesothelioma treatment options.

Advanced Cases

As with other cancers, early detection of mesothelioma can improve the patient's outlook for recovery. Conversely, delays in diagnosis and mesothelioma treatment may result in a less hopeful prognosis. Unfortunately, because mesothelioma is often aggressive and may be undetected until an advanced stage, in some cases a cure is not possible. In such instances, mesothelioma treatment will focus on pain relievers, oxygen and other remedies to reduce symptoms and make the patient comfortable.

Choosing the Best Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Patients who have mesothelioma may wish to take an active part in their treatment planning. This includes discussing their treatment goals and options with their doctor. Exploring all paths of mesothelioma treatment can help patients make choices that are right for them.

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